Script: -- Example by Alan Pabst, Heizer Software¬--on windowEvent wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬¬if objValue="Open" then ¬ wsSet wdID,"0","HasGrowBox", "FALSE"¬ get resourceList("",LENS,NAME)¬ put it into tempList¬ repeat with i=1 to the number of lines in tempList¬ if line i of tempList=wdName then¬ delete line i of tempList¬ exit repeat¬ end if¬ end repeat¬ put tempList into theList¬ wsSet wdID,"3","Text", theList¬ wsSet wdID,"1","Disabled", "TRUE"¬ ¬else if objValue="Close" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="Suspend" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="Resume" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="CloseBox" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="ZoomBox" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="GrowBox" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="TitleBar" then ¬ ¬end if¬¬--end windowEvent
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 142,100,214,120
AutoSize: FALSE
Disabled: TRUE
Name: Open
DefaultItem: TRUE
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬get wsGet(wdID,"3","SelectionText")¬put it into showExample¬get windowScript(showExample)¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 8,100,88,120
Name: Cancel
CancelItem: TRUE
AutoClose: TRUE
ItemType: LIST
Rect: 8,8,218,90
AutoSize: FALSE
Text: Finder Icons!¬DragDemo¬LinkTo¬GroupText¬Disabler¬Validator¬Studio¬Caution¬ObjectMaster¬Distribution Splash¬SimpleText¬ProgressBox¬Find¬Alert¬Password¬WindowSwitcher¬Search&Replace¬Resource Display